This is a directory of our departments and services, which you can search. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please get in touch.
Links marked with an asterisk (*) will take you to a different website in a new browser window.
- AAA Screening
- Abortion
- Accessible Information Standard *
- Accommodation
- Acorn Ward
- Allergy
- Alternatives to A&E
- Anlaby Suite
- Annual Report
- Antenatal and Newborn Screening
- Antenatal Outpatients
- Anti-Racism Statement *
- Apprenticeships *
- Artificial Limb Unit
- Attend Anywhere
- Audiology
- Be A Hero Campaign
- Bereavement Services
- Blood Sciences
- Breast Care Unit CHH
- Breast Screening Outpatients
- Cafés and Restaurants
- Cancer Psychological Service
- Cancer Survivorship
- Car Parking
- Cardiothoracic Surgery
- Care Quality Commission
- Cash Machines
- Catering Facilities
- Cellular Pathology
- Chaplains
- Charitable Donations
- Chemotherapy
- Children’s Outpatients
- Clinical Biochemistry
- Colposcopy
- Community Midwifery
- Community Transport
- Continence (Women’s Health)
- Continuous Quality Improvement *
- Coronavirus | COVID-19
- Critical Care
- Cystic Fibrosis Centre
- Daisy Appeal
- Daisy Appeal *
- Diagnostic Cytology
- Disability Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)
- Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit (EPAU)
- EASI Model *
- East East Yorkshire School of Endoscopy
- Emergency Department *
- Emergency Gynaecology Unit
- Equality and Diversity
- Eye Hospital
- Fracture Clinic and Orthopaedics
- Freedom of Information
- GI Physiology
- Gynaecological Clinical Nurse Specialists
- Gynaecology
- Gynaecology Outpatients CHH
- Gynaecology Outpatients HRI
- Haematology
- Haematology and Coagulation
- Haemophilia
- HEAL Wounds Service
- Histopathology
- Hospital Travel Claim Scheme (HTCS)
- Hull Adult Cystic Fibrosis Centre
- Hull and East Riding Accelerated Lower Limb (HEAL) Wounds Service
- Hull and East Riding Prescribing Committee
- Hull Institute of Learning and Simulation *
- Hull Major Trauma Centre
- Hull NHS Choir *
- Human Factors Hub *
- Humberside Breast Screening Service
- Hysteroscopy
- Immunology
- Immunology (Laboratory)
- Infection Prevention and Control
- Infectious Diseases
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Intensive Care Unit
- Interventional Radiology
- IVF Unit *
- Labour Ward
- Library and Knowledge Services
- Lymphoedema
- Macmillan Chemotherapy Nurse Specialists
- Macmillan Information Centre
- Major Trauma Centre
- Maternity
- Medshed *
- Microbiology
- Mortuary and Bereavement Services
- Neonatal Unit (NICU) HRI
- Neurology
- Neuropathology
- Neurosurgery
- Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service (PTS)
- Nuclear Medicine
- Oncology
- Oncology Health Centre
- Oncology Health Centre *
- Ophthalmology
- Organ Donation
- Orthoptics
- Otolaryngology
- Paediatric Assessment Unit
- Paediatric High Dependency Unit (PHDU)
- Paediatrics
- Pain Management Service
- Palliative Care
- Pastoral and Spiritual Care
- Pathology
- Patient Leaflets
- Patients Know Best
- Pharmacy
- Physiotherapy *
- Post Boxes
- Pregnancy Advisory Service
- Quality Account
- Queen’s Centre
- Queen’s Centre Day Treatment Unit
- Queen’s Centre Occupational Therapy
- Queen’s Centre Outpatients
- Radiation Physics
- Radiation Physics *
- Radiology
- Radiotherapy
- Rainbow Badges *
- Research and Development *
- Residential Services
- Social Media
- Staff Accommodation
- Staff Benefits / Staff Discount
- Stoma Care
- Teenage and Young Adult Unit (TYAC)
- Trust Board
- Vascular Service
- Virology
- Virtual Clinic
- Visiting Hours
- Visitor Facilities
- Ward 130 HRI
- Ward 29 CHH
- Ward 30 (Cedar) HRI
- Ward 30 CHH
- Ward 31 (Maple) HRI
- Ward 31 CHH
- Ward 32 (Beech) HRI
- Ward 32 CHH
- Ward 33 (Rowan) HRI
- Ward 33 CHH
- Website Accessibility Statement *
- Zero30 *