Trust Strategy
This strategy sets out the trust’s approach to the achievement of our vision. It does so by defining some long term goals, setting the scope and level of ambition for each goal over the next 5 years, and providing guidance on the approach or ‘strategy’ we plan to take in achieving those goals. Our Trust Strategy incorporates our clinical service and quality improvement strategies.
Quality Account
Quality Accounts are annual reports to the public from the providers of healthcare about the quality of services they deliver. The accounts are both retrospective and forward looking. A review of quality for 2023/24 is included in this year’s accounts alongside the priorities for quality improvement in 2024/25.
Quality and Safety Improvement Priorities
- Safer Care (Safe, Caring, Responsive and Well-Led)
- Sepsis
- Medication Errors
- Better Outcomes (Effective, Safe and Caring)
- Mental health triage in the Emergency Department
- Improved Experience (Caring, Responsive and Well-Led)
- Learning from Deaths
- Learning from Incidents
Clinical Audit Annual Reports
If you have any comments on the accounts or areas you think should be considered for future quality and safety improvement priorities, please email hyp-tr.quality.accounts@nhs.net
Annual Report
Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust is required by an Act of Parliament to produce a report each September to review the developments of the Trust during the year and to outline its position at the year end.
- Annual Report 2023-2024 (PDF, 16.5MB)
- Annual Accounts 2023-2024 (PDF, 786KB)
- Audit Completion Certificate 2023-2024 (PDF, 110KB)
If you have any feedback about the latest annual report, please contact:
Mrs Rebecca Thompson
Alderson House
Hull Royal Infirmary
Anlaby Road
Call: 01482 674828
Email: rebecca.thompson71@nhs.net
All Annual Reports
- Annual Report 2022-2023
- Annual Report 2021-2022
- Annual Report 2020-2021
- Annual Report 2019-2020
- Annual Report 2018-2019
- Annual Report 2017-2018
- Annual Report 2016-2017
- Annual Report 2015-2016
- Annual Report 2014-2015
- Annual Report 2013-2014
- Annual Report 2012-2013
- Annual Report 2011-2012
- Annual Report 2010-2011
Sustainability and Transformation Plan
This plan is the first stage in a programme of work for a partnership of 21 organisations comprising NHS commissioners and providers, such as Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, plus local authorities and other community based organisations, which began in April 2016.
“Our vision is for people in Humber Coast and Vale to start well, live well and age well. To do that, we must support everyone to manage their own care better, reduce dependence on hospitals and use our resources more efficiently so that we can all rely upon access to good, safe services into the future. STP partners will continue to work with staff, stakeholders and the public to build the plan, ensuring the involvement of everyone in future conversations around the draft proposals.”Emma Latimer, Humber Coast and Vale STP Lead
STPs are about making practical changes to the way health and social care services are delivered in the face of growing demand for services, a long-term shortage of the skilled people needed to provide them and, in spite of increased funding into the NHS, a projected financial gap for the Humber Coast and Vale system of £420m by 2021.
23% of the 1.4m people in Humber Coast and Vale lives in the most deprived areas of England and, as a result, the region has significant variations in health outcomes across its communities, leaving too many people at greater risk of developing long term conditions that seriously impair their lives and future prospects.
Corporate Governance
Every year, we are required to self-certify whether we meet minimum standards in corporate governance. These standards are based on the key roles undertaken by the Trust Board and cover the corporate governance framework, such as risk management, the Trust Board and its supporting committee structure, and how we monitor information about the NHS Constitution, specifically the waiting times for care and treatment by its patients.
Other Documents
- Data Security and Protection Toolkit Assurance (DSPT) 2018/2019
- Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA) 2018/2019
- Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response Assurance Statement of Compliance 2017/18
- Learning from Deaths Policy
- Modern Slavery Statement
- Referral to Treatment Access Policy
- Safeguarding Annual Reports
- Surveys
- Trade Union Facility Time Reporting