- Reference Number: HEY1087/2024
- Departments: Day Surgery (DSU), Paediatrics
- Last Updated: 1 January 2024
This advice sheet has been produced to give you information and advice following a circumcision procedure. It is not meant to replace discussion between you and your child’s doctor. If after reading it, you require further explanation please discuss this with the relevant person who has been caring for your child.
Should you need any further help or advice, please telephone:
Acorn Ward, Women and Children’s Hospital HRI – Telephone: (01482) 382609/382679
OR contact the Paediatric Community Team Telephone (01482) 344077
The Community Children’s Team have been contacted and may visit your child at home in the weeks following surgery. They may also contact you by phone 48 hours following your child’s discharge from the Day Surgery Unit.
Your child can return to school in approximately 1 to 2 two weeks. If you feel they need a little longer to recover we are happy for you to use your own judgement.
However, they should not do any physical education (PE), games or swimming for approximately 4 to 6 weeks.
After surgery
- The stitches are ‘dissolvable’ (do not need removing).
- Your child’s penis may look and feel sore but this will not last long. It will look and feel normal again in a few weeks.
- There may be some ‘oozing’ of pink tinged serum, this is part of the healing process and is completely normal.
- The ‘scabs’ that will form are part of the healing process and must not be removed or cleaned off.
- Tomorrow your child may have a shower. Your child may have a bath after 5 days, (do not add anything to the bath water).
- We will give you some antibiotic cream to apply to the stitched and surrounding area with advice on how often and for how long to use it.
- It is not unusual for boys to be nervous about going for a ‘pee’ after this surgery.
- Try to get your child to drink plenty, but if they become too distressed because they cannot ‘pee’, sit them in a warm bath and encourage them to ‘pee’ in the bath.
- It may help if your child wears loose clothing or nothing at all until they feel more comfortable.
Pain relief
We recommend that for the first 24 to 48 hrs you have paracetamol and Ibuprofen syrup or tablets available at home following discharge. (Ibuprofen may not be suitable for asthmatics).
After your child’s operation
The Day Surgery Unit is continually striving to improve patient information and we would be pleased to hear from you should you have any comments or concerns.
Should you require further advice on the issues contained in this advice sheet, please do not hesitate to contact the Acorn Ward.