Cervical Fracture Pathway Discharge Advice

Patient Experience

  • Reference Number: HEY-821/2020
  • Departments: Neurology and Neurosurgery
  • Last Updated: 7 December 2020

When you remove your collar it is normal to experience some pain and stiffness down your neck and radiating across your shoulders.

It is advisable to keep your collar for a short while to wear as this may help alleviate any pain. Simple pain relief medication is advised for the first two weeks. It may be easier for you to gradually build up the length of time you do not wear your collar. Alternatively you may feel you do not require any further collar support, and you can discard your collar following your discharge appointment.

Rotation Rotation: 2 – 3 repeats, 3 times daily.
Flexion and extension Flexion and extension: 2 – 3 repeats, 3 times daily.
Lateral flexion Lateral flexion: 2 – 3 repeats, 3 times daily.

If you experience any new numbness or tingling in arms, hand or fingers, or if you begin to experience any acute increasing neck pain within the first 4 weeks you need to contact us. Following this time you will need to contact your doctor.

Should you require further advice on the issues contained in this sheet, please do not hesitate to contact the department Monday – Friday, 8.00am – 4.00pm – (01482) 674369 or Out of hours (01482) 674248 – Ward 4.

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