- Reference Number: HEY-361/2021
- Departments: Radiotherapy
- Last Updated: 22 April 2021
This advice sheet has been produced to give you information about extravasation of radio-graphic contract material.
Radiotherapy Department
As part of your Radiotherapy planning (CT) scan we were required to use an injection of contrast media (dye) into one of your veins. Sometimes, during this procedure an extravasation (leak) may occur. This occurs when the contrast material (dye) used to optimise your treatment planning scan, leaks out of the vein into the surrounding tissue. When this happened, you may have felt some pain or tightening around the injection site.
This advice sheet aims to explain what you may see / feel and what you should do following an extravasation incident. It is not meant to replace discussion between you and the healthcare team. If after reading it you require further explanation please discuss this with the relevant person who has been caring for you.
You will have been observed for approximately two hours after the extravasation incident occurred and a pressure bandage may have been applied. Before you leave the department a doctor will explain what has happened and what further signs to look out for.
You will have been observed for approximately two hours after the extravasation incident occurred and a pressure bandage may have been applied. Before you leave the department, a doctor will explain what has happened and what further signs to look out for.
For the next three days please note the following instructions:
- Keep the arm elevated when possible
- Drink plenty of non-alcoholic drinks
- Take paracetamol (unless you are allergic to it) for any localised pain
- Apply a cold compress up to three times a day to the site
If you experience any of the following symptoms, please use the numbers outlined below in the blue box:
- Blistering over the injection site / Any significant change in skin colour
- Increase/ decrease of skin temperature at the site (compared with the temperature of your skin elsewhere
- Numbness in your fingers
- Hardness at the injection site which is still present after three days
Should you require further advice on the issues contained in this advice sheet, please do not hesitate to contact Radiotherapy Nurses on (01482) 461134 or Radiotherapy Patient Information on (01482) 461206 (Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm). Out of hours and/or weekends/ bank holidays please contact your local Emergency Department.